Focus is on investigation, pain reduction, corrective techniques, and the best way forward with any condition
This will include working with all adjacent, and opposing, muscles and interrelated tissue which may be worsening a condition and even contributing to other issues
Covering all conditions involving active movement (or lack thereof); this includes muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints & nerves.
Upper Body generally focuses from mid-buttocks and upwards but excludes forearms, hands, and face (unless agreed prior to treatment)
Lower Body focuses on everything from mid-buttocks, down to the feet but excludes the inside thigh (unless agreed prior to treatment)
Session focuse on muscle groups: if any parts thereof are tight or loose, working correctly or not, & how this muscle usage contributes to overall posture
Sessions focus on progressive muscle expansion, definition and increasing resulting muscle output/strength
Sessions can be hard, physically & mentally, working with individual muscles (including those deeper within the body) & cleaning up surrounding soft tissues progrssively
Expansion & Framing is best suited for someone who wishes to push their body into idealistic form, sporting activities or heavy workloads